April 30, 2022
Magister’s latest update on the pledge drive:
Our current dollar total is $5,276.45 -- 65.96% of our goal! However, as the participation numbers STILL show, there are many of you who have yet to bring in pledges. Possumus hoc facere! [we can do this!] PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!
Per Capita $ Participation %
Block 1 (Latin I) $41.19 21.43%
Block 2 (Adv.) $31.74 13.04%
Block 4 (Latin II) $6.87 7.14%
Block 5 (Adv) $5.50 6.67%
Block 8 (Latin I) $178.59 12.70%
Check back here or in the Latin classroom for updates.